Applications have closed

Responsibilities and particular assignmentsمسؤلیت ها و وظایف مشخص


  • Responsible for the overall case management of IPD SAM hospital.
  • Preparation of monthly report of IPD SAM and submission.
  • Work closely with the medical doctors and pediatrics in the planning and organizing TFU services in hospital
  • Ensure adequate nutritional commodities are available for TFU services.


Objective 1هدف اول :

Activités/Main duitesفعالیت ها/ وظایف عمده:

  • According to official time attending hospital.
  • Admission of eligible children in inpatient treatment of sever acute malnutrition
  • Transferring children from stabilization phase to transitional and rehabilitation phases according to criteria and health conditions
  • Follow up of complication in SAM cases and it treatment according to protocol.
  • Ensure comprehensive assessment, Anthropometry, health checkup and treatment according to the protocols for IPD SAM cases.
  • Daily follow up of children in weight gaining and complication in inpatient


Objective 2هدف دوم:

Activities/Main dutiesفعالیت ها/ وظایف عمده:

  • Filling the TSS, MSS, treatment sheets while feeding and checking the health condition of malnourished
  • filling register and other documents properly for the admitted children.
  • Ensure filling system following correct and properly
  • Strengthening referral system between health facilities
  •  Provides direct nursing care to patients including dressing, catheterization, vital signs, and medications in therapeutic food unit

Objective 3هدف سوم :

Activities/Main dutiesفعالیت ها/ وظایف عمده:

  • Providing  health and maternal nutrition education  to mothers
  • Individual  counselling sessions on IYCF for care givers
  • Psychosocial support of under 2 mother / caregiver on breastfeeding
  • Providing massages on the breast feeding and complementaty feeding on the spot
  • Encourage care taker to feed their children as child need


Objective 4هدف چهارم

Activities/Main dutiesفعالیت ها/ وظایف عمده:

  • Updating stock cards and requesting for nutrition commodities supply
  • Implementation of alternative therapeutic milks when shortages and stock out happens
  • Preparing the f100 and f75 milks and feeding of the children regularly
  • Performing the food demonstration sessions on regular basis to care giver


Objective 5هدف پنجم

Activités/Main duitesفعالیت ها/ وظایف عمده:

  • Coordination with CHS for the defaulter follow up and referral of malnourished cases
  • Participation in training which requested by office
  • Any other duties that may be assigned by line supervisors
Job Requirements:

Job Requirements:

Qualification/ Requirements تحصیلات و شرایط لازمه

  • Nursing certificate is required.
  • 2+ years of relevant work experience. Experience in CMAM/IMAM is an advantage
  • Pashto and Dari skills are required; English is preferable
  • Work experience in Health and nutrition.
  • Commitment to PU-AMI principles.
  • Strong communication skills, with the ability to effectively present information and respond appropriately to questions from supervisor in the field.
  • Ability and willingness to stay overnight at service delivery

Residency of related province is preferable

How to Apply:

Dear candidates,

To apply for this vacancy, please use the following link

If the link above does not work by clicking on it, please copy and paste it in the browser address bar.

Make sure to press submit at the end of the application.

No other type of submission will be accepted. Prepare your resume before applying, you will have to attach it. Please save your resume documents with your name.


Regarding PU AMI recruitment process, please note that!

  • PU AMI will conduct his recruitment on the base of need only.
  • PU AMI commits to a fair and transparent recruitment procedure.
  • Only HR department will contact you during the recruitment process.
  • In case of any complaint please feel free to send your inquiries to this mail address:
  • PU AMI may keep data of your application for its pool of candidate and might propose you other position than the one you applied for based on your qualification.
  • Only short listed candidates whose application responds to the criteria will be contacted & local applicants from the same province are encouraged to apply and will be given priority.
  • Women application are strongly encouraged.
Job Overview

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