About the Company

Jobs with UNFPA in Afghanistan

GBV is a prevalent phenomenon throughout Afghanistan thus require, a holistic approach to address GBV at all levels. In the absence of quality data and field analysis, prevention and response interventions are more of supply side based on the assumptions and surface information than of field/community-oriented covering demand aspects. Due to lack of latest quality data to determine the trends and magnitude of GBV as well as it’s types, emergency responses are not well adhered to respond GBV related needs of women and girls. Same is the case at policy level to brining positive changes to the existing policies and formulating new policies where there is huge need based on evidence.

Afghanistan has one of the highest maternal mortality ratios in the world at 638 /100,000 [1]live births, the proportion of deliveries conducted by skilled birth attendance in rural areas of the country is still 42%,[2] while this is almost five times lower in the remote and conflict-affected provinces such as Helmand and Badges provinces.

Document for review

Afghanistan Demographic Health Survey
Afghanistan Gender Profiling
Approved Project Proposals
Project reports
4th Country Programme Document
Country Programme Evaluation (CPD 4th programme)
End of Project Evaluation for GBV Health Sector Response Project
HMIS and GBVIMS data

Company Overview

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